Seabrook and Huberfeld and Platinum – WE CALLED IT!!!


Unorthodox Returns.Paladium Partners

Platinum Funds- WE CALLED IT!!! –


David Bodner was the subject of one of our first articles regarding a house sold in Monsey and the questionable transfer of the title. He connected us to Platinum and while we have not focused on Black Elk, all of the events regarding that fund have irked us and our contributors and sources for months.

And then Mark Nordlicht... His moral compass may be missing the “N” as the directional. He makes money betting on nursing home patients who are on the verge of death, with the help of a California Rabbi. We have our suspicions as to that Rabbi’s identity, a “philanthropist.”

The article we have posted below this one has been our Bible for exploring this fund and its activities, if for no other reason but the numbers simply don’t make sense. The patterns are wrong. There is much more to this than meets the eye.

We are still waiting on the connections to illegal diamond smuggling, the event-driven nursing home dead/undead life insurance investment schemes and so many collateral issues to come to light. For now…. Seabrook and Huberfeld are a very good start.

See below for Articles on Platinum Partners, cited in our previous articles.

LostMessiah June 8, 2016


FBI Arrests Correction Union President Norman Seabrook For Wire Fraud

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s corruption investigation into NYC officials has now landed another big fish: Correction union president Norman Seabrook was arrested this morning, on wire fraud charges. Seabrook is accused of receiving kickbacks in exchange for funneling millions of union retiree benefits and operating funds to a hedge fund run by Murray Huberfeld.

Huberfeld, who gave start-up capital to the fund Platinum Partners, was also charged with wire fraud.

In April, the Wall Street Journal reported, “Jona Rechnitz, a Brooklyn real-estate investor, referred Norman Seabrook, the president of the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association, to Platinum Partners, the people said. The investment put a large percentage of the union’s money in a firm that has had a mixed stretch. Platinum generally has reported steady returns. Last December it blocked investors from withdrawing some of their money in one fund that contains hard-to-sell assets, according to people familiar with the matter. Such moves have been rare in the hedge-fund world since the financial crisis.”

The criminal complaint notes that members of the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association (COBA) pay $45 in union dues during each two-week pay period, resulting in $1,000+ of union fees a year; there are more than 9,000 union members. And Seabrook’s power over the union’s board was immense; from the complaint:


Rechnitz is one of the two businessmen at the center of the federal probe into corruption, with Rechnitz and Jeremy Reichberg using cash and jewels to allegedly get favors from city officials. Both were major donors to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s election efforts. Numerous high-ranking police officials have retired or been demoted, for giving escorts or helicopter demonstrations.

The NY Times notes, “The relationship between the mayor and Mr. Seabrook has been close in the past. At a 2014 fund-raiser for a union charity, Mr. de Blasio referred to Mr. Seabrook as a ‘friend’ and a ‘great leader.'”

Bharara is holding a press conference at 12:30 p.m. to discuss the charges.



No Blow Up Is Big Enough to Tarnish Platinum Partners’ Returns


Leiby Kletsky – Shaya Lichtenstein, Forever Linked by Murder


“Thou Shalt Not Kill” – Each and Every Member of the Shomrim The Night that Kletzky Disappeared is Complicit in His Brutal Murder and Subsequent Dismemberment


פיקוח נפש

The Saving of One’s Life

“The preservation of human life takes precedence over all the other commandments in Judaism. The Talmud emphasizes this principle by citing the verse from Leviticus [18:5]: “You shall therefore keep my statutes…which if a man do, he shall live by them.” The rabbis add: “That he shall live by them, and not that he shall die by them.” (Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 85b)”

The case of Leiby Kletzky (zl.) is one that has haunted many of us for years. He is the victim of a system that prides itself on secrecy beyond all else. That system cares not for the safety of its children, the sexual abuses,  the deplorable conditions in which many children learn, the abuses of women who want a divorce from their husbands and so many other things, because such things are trumped by the obsessive need for secrecy. There is a measure of hypocrisy in a system of beliefs that can set aside the life of a child to protect a community’s secrets. There is a measure of complacence and even complicity. 

Leiby Kletzky (zl.) is also the victim of a system built upon a foundation of corruption, a corruption that runs so deep it is like the blood flowing through the veins of a community that seems to know nothing different. The Shomrim are supposed to be the “protectors” from the Hebrew root Shin Mem Resh – Shmer – protection or Shomer protector. A Shomer Rosh is a body guard. Lshmor is to protect. In the Leiby Kletzky case, the Shomrim did not protect Kletzky but rather destroyed him. Kletzky’s face is the portrait of a boy whose life was a tool within the greater passing around of the spoils of corruption and high finance that pervade Borough Park, CB12 and the NYPD responsible for that precinct. May that beautiful, special and innocent child be forever a lesson to the community of Borough Park, the devout Jews who follow the Torah not necessarily in letter but in spirit; and a lesson to those Jews who call themselves devout but who bastardize the tenets of Judaism for their own personal gain. Leiby Kletzky flies in the face of the spirit of G-d’s laws and represents the perversion some have made of it.

In the case of Leiby Kletzky (zl.), a young boy who had a whole life to live, suffering a brutal death was at the hands of his community, each and every person who refused to get the civil police department involved, who refused to report the situation and perhaps get more hands on deck. His parents are victims also. They must live a life forever altered by the death of a child. Parents are not supposed to outlive their children. To them we offer our unending condolences, our everlasting hope for peace of mind and spirit.

For Leiby Kletzky (zl.) we hope one day to be a part of a vindication we believe you so desperately deserve. You deserved better from your insular community. You deserved to live a long and happy life. We hope to ensure that those who have been prey to the wrongs of your community also get the vindication they deserve: the children who are abused, the children who study in deplorable conditions,  the children who are denied an education that might offer them choices, the parents who are often denied their children in rigged custody battles, the elderly who suffer abuse at the hands of unscrupulous nursing home owners drugged by dollar signs ringing through their heads. May you know, may they know, that we are trying to make a better world.

EXCLUSIVE: Brooklyn security patrol, organized by man indicted in NYPD gun permit scandal, delayed in notifying cops of boy’s 2011 kidnapping

In the hours after 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky disappeared in Borough Park, Brooklyn, a key figure in the heavily Jewish neighborhood’s security patrol coordinated the effort to find him.

Shaya Lichtenstein, 44, wrangled some 2,000 civilian volunteers as a member of the Borough Park Shomrim in a desperate attempt to locate Leiby, who was kidnapped as he walked home from a day camp on July 11, 2011.

He was found dismembered two days later, and Levi Aron was charged with his murder.

After Leiby’s family reported him missing, the Shomrim did not notify the NYPD for three hours. Despite the tensions stemming from that delay, the long-cozy relationship between members of the Orthodox community, including the Shomrim, and the NYPD remained intact.

Another NYPD high-ranking cop punished in corruption probe

Lichtenstein was indicted in April on allegations that he bribed police officers to obtain gun permits for clients who paid as much as $18,000 for his services. He was able to get permits within a few weeks, when it usually takes more than a year.

kletskyBorough Park Shomrim bypassed the NYPD for three hours as they searched for Leiby Kletzky, who was found dismembered two days later.

In some instances, Lichtenstein paid off the cops in the very offices of the gun licensing division with thousands of dollars hidden in copies of the newspaper, a source familiar with the case said.

“That’s partly how it was done, right in their faces,” the source said.

The NYPD declined to comment.

Lichtenstein’s ties with ranking police officials extended well beyond his close relationship with cops in the gun licensing unit, sources said. He parlayed that access into the ability to do favors for members of the Jewish community.