Dan Gertler, the Systematic Destruction of Obstacles and the Lawyers Involved – The Gertner Brothers – PART I


LostMessiah – 23 June 2017

Earlier this week we published an article regarding Dan Gertler which made reference to a series of other articles, including to a blog post of paramount importance entitled: “Exposing African Mafia and Corruption” in a Blogspot – Purifying Africa. Interestingly the information published by Purifying Africa, though a series of what appears to be leaked emails from a law firm, seems to have been largely ignored by mainstream media. We believe it speaks volumes to the extent to which the Gertler empire will go to destroy its perceived adversaries.

The emails include correspondence written by an attorney by the name of Dory (Avigdor) Klagsbald of a law firm in Israel. The parties who are cc’d or otherwise mentioned in those emails include attorneys with Mishcon de Reya LLP, a series of consulting firms (namely public relations firms), and attorneys from Millbank, Tweed, another law firm. 

The sole purpose of those emails appear to be outlining a strategy to unwind an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) which was a negotiated agreement between Islandic Bank Haupthing and the Gertner brothers for repayment of a loan at what was to have been an undisclosed amount. That effort continues and has all but destroyed Moises Gertner.

It should be noted that much of the alleged payments of that loan and corresponding guarantees are in the form of interest and fees. We believe the current claims by CFL are tantamount to extortionery at this juncture, particularly since these events have dragged on for years and there were agreements in place to settle many of those loans. CFL Limited has sought and continues to seek systematically to undo formerly agreed upon settlements (Case No. 3482 of 2015 / BR-2015-02338).

The emails between Dori Klagsbald in our analysis refer in no uncertain terms to a methodology for undoing the IVA and dragging the Gertner brothers’ names through the silt, with what can only be deemed to be a carefully constructed PR campaign (steps to be taken “if necessary”).  The party in whose interest this carefully crafted scheme has been devised, is an Israeli owned company CFL Finance (a Dan Gertler company). CFL was in 2015 allegedly owed only 12Million Pounds, a paltry amount in comparison to the 557M pounds that was the subject of the IVA and the agreed repayment to Haupthing. Again, to reiterate much of the currently disputed money is comprised of interest and penalties. The fact that it is still ungoing and leaves the Gertner brothers in a constant stated of disquiet is likely of greater value to Gertler.

We reiterate the articles and the historical context should not be taken in a vacuum. In fact, we contend that the death of Katumba , the information regarding the Fleurette Group, Glencore Plc, Ellesmere Global (BVI) can similarly not be read exclusive of the other articles and the timeframe involved. When read in context with an earlier published Ha’Aretz article and dozens of other articles and publications, it is abundantly clear that Dan Gertler, along with his attorneys and public relations firms, has since at least 2013 made concerted and systematic efforts in no uncertain terms to destroy anyone or anything that stands in the way of his constantly increasing wealth.

In the case of the death of Katumba, we can only speculate. In the ongoing legal battles against Moises Gertner and his brother who were at one time business partners of Dan Gertler, we maintain that Gertler was and continues to be intent upon decimation and they continue to be his victims.

We begin describing this saga by re-posting the 42 screenshots taken from the Purifying Africa Blogspot.

We will continue by slowly introducing the cast of questionable figures including another character in this case of Gertler v. Gertner, an Israeli lawyer named Yaakov Weinrot. We note Mr. Weinrot claims to have been owed many millions of dollars by the Gertner brothers, was apparently hired by them in the context of their dealings in the Congo; but also apparently participated in the smear campaign against them on behalf of Dan Gertler. We leave that piece for another day.

Our sources are publicly available. As many of the articles state, the Congo is one of the worlds most mineral-rich countries. And yet, it is the poorest and least developed. The Congolese people are the victims of extraordinary greed, the greed of their government, the greed of so-called “investors” like Dan Gertler and the corresponding corruption and fraud.

Finally, we note in the interest of full disclosure that we have not independently investigated the Gertner brothers on their other dealings, most of which appear to have been real estate investments. We have found significant evidence of charitable giving but make no judgment one way or the other. We firmly believe them to be victims of Dan Gertler and his  ‘mafia’ of attorneys, PR firms, and co-conspirators. We write the series of exposés in the hopes that perhaps the Gertner brothers and numerous other victims of Dan Gertler and his associates’ greed will find justice.

The Images:



Exposing Africa and the Western Influences that Mine… the Kaupthing Claims

Dear Reader:
We ask that you read the original blog, URL below, from 2016. We were unable to post all of the various PDF documents that the author posted.
The blog begins with a series of emails from 2015 between attorneys at a firm in Israel and Millbank and includes information about the involvement of a number of other law firms. From the information on the Blog it appears that there was a concerted effort involvement numerous parties to exert pressure on parties involved in a series of lawsuits.
The story refers to a relationship entitled: the “Kaupthing/Gertler story.” Like Platinum, we believe that this story has taken far too long to find the exposure it so desperately requires.
We discovered in our investigations a number of links to corresponding Russian websites. They were apparently summarily removed from publication and finding them in the archives has also proven somewhat fruitless.
Apparently, Mr. Gertler and his associates have painstakingly worked to keep this story quiet. We request that you share these posts, the post from T.O.T. and anything else we manage to get out there. Mr. Gertler has allegedly defrauded dozens of people for millions of dollars.
He and his companies and associates bury people in years of litigation over what would otherwise be paltry sums compared to his net worth. Clearly Mr. Gertler and his associated law firms have both the finances and wherewithal to harass people scrub information.
We would like it to get the information “unscrubbed.” Anyone with information is invited to provide.




PR campaign to put pressure on winding-up committee

Dori and Milbank met with Jonathan Russell of Lacing Limited, also on the afternoon of Monday 23 November, to discuss PR strategy. Jonathan suggests a two stage approach:

  • The first stage is to call journalists to create interest in the Kaupthing/Gertner story. The timing works well as Kaupthing is back in the media with its forthcoming composition.
  • The second stage (if deemed necessary) is to filter (to the same journalists) the story regarding Arrowsmith’s offer.

Next Stepts

25/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 6.5 Internal meeting with Scott Jardine and Matt Czyzyk. Drafting note on role of a HMRC in an IVA. Research into third party funding. Research into comparative CVA situation. Reading IRC v Wimbledon case, Research and drafting additional aspects of mem on challenges to an IVA to take into  account asset types, confidentiality, legal privilege, criminal offences, fraud and irregularity. Further discussion with Scott regarding required amendments.
25/11/2015 Raien Natalie 5.75 Attend meeting to discuss workflow. Research case law in relation to duties of the nominee and research of status of creditors as stated in the IVA proposal. Research of HMRC in relation to voluntary arrangements.
26/11/2015 Charles Evans 1.25 Call to NIck Angel and discussing concerns about IVA proposal; reviewing emails concerning confidentiality; further discussion with Nick Angel, call from Nick Angel and discussing, arranging for Moshe Bordon to review court file and various emails to him.
26/11/2015 Jardine Scott 3.5 Further work on strategy paper, reviewing further materials to develop arguments, further factual research
26/11/2015 Kinninmont paul 0.5 Emails are Kaupthing and Clf (Bloomberg, internal). Reviewing consent order newly available on Court file; internal emails re same.
26/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 3.5 Research and drafting additional aspects of memo regarding challenges to an IVA. Meeting with Scott Jardine. Review of Gertner’s IVA proposal.
27/11/2015 Bordon Moshe 1.25 Attend High Court to check court filings for defence and counterclaim filing. Call to Commercial Court register
27/11/2015 Charles Evans 1.75 Reviewing email from Matt Czyzyk concerning strategy; internal meeting to discuss strategy and action plan; call with James Levy and Dori Klagsbald to update them, emails and discussion with Moshe Bordon about court file
27/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 3.75 IVA strategy challenge issues, PR ad approach; client, Jonathan Russell, Maitland and internal contact.
27/11/2015 Jardine Scott 3 Team meeting and strategy discussion, client call , case law and materials, further review of same and developing strategies, HBC call, various emails
27/11/2015 Kinninmont paul 0.5 Emails re bankruptcy petitions involving M Gertner (N Raine, S Jardine), Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal).
26/11/2015 Jardine Scott 3.5 …………..develop arguments, further factual research
26/11/2015 Kinninmont paul 0.5 Emails re Kaupthing and CLF (Bloomberg, internal), Reviewing consent order newly available on Court file; internal emails re same.
26/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 3.5 Research and drafting additional aspects of memo regarding challenges to an IVA. Meeting with Scott Jardine. Review of Gertner’s IVA proposal
27/11/2015 Bordon SEan 1.25 Attend High Court to check out filings for defense and counterclaim filing. Call to commercial Court registrar.
27/11/2015 Charles Evans 1.75 Reviewing email from matt Czyzyk concerning strategy; internal meeting to discuss strategy and action plan; call with James Levy and Dori Klagsbald to update them; emails and discussion with Moshe Bordon about court file.
27/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 3.75 IVA strategy challenge issues; PR and approach; client, Jonathan Russell, Maitland and internal contact
27/11/2015 Jardine Scott 3 Team meeting and strategy discussion, client call, case law and materials, further review of same and developing strategies, HBC call, various emails
27/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.5 Emails re bankruptcy petitions involving M Gertner (N Raine, S Jardine). Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal).
28/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.25 PR Issues; Jonathan Russell contact
30/11/2015 Charles Evans 0.75 Reviewing and amending draft letter to Simmons and email to NIck, Angel and Matt Czyzyk; emails to and from Nick Angel
30/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 1.25 PR progress; client, Jonathan Russell and internal contact
30/11/2015 Jardine Scott 0.5 Emails and research materials
30/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 1.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal).
24/11/2015 Czyzyk Mathew J 11 Consider application of Greystoke judgment. Develop list of questions to challenge IVA. Develop strategy for challenging IVA. Calls with JR regarding EL and terms. Mark-up EL and terms. Email  to Dori and James to summarise status.
24/11/2015 Charles Evans 0.5 Reviewing draft emails concerning next steps, strategy, Reviewing emails and email to Nick Angel and others and m Matt
24/11/2015 Harray Stuart M 2.25 Progressing letters issues and PR; client and internal con
24/11/2015 Jardine Scott 2.5 NDA, voting analysis, legal research on various points re IVA disclosure and challenges, strategy discussion with MC
24/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.5 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, Internal). Brief research into new Kaupthing case.
24/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 4.25 Research and drafting additional aspects of memo on challenges to an IVA to take into account asset types. confidentiality, legal privilege, criminal offences, fraud and irregularity.
24/11/2015 Raine Natalie 2.75 Research inclusion of arbitration claims IVA. Draft and review non disclosure agreement with Lacing Limited.
25/11/2015 Angel Nichlas james 4 Call with counsel, analysis of arguments, review of paper for JR, review of confi issues re JR; call with JR
25/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 11.5 Internal catch-up. Call with -Martin Pascoe QC to discuss IVA. Call with J Russell to.discuss IVA disclosure. Draft letter to Simmons re IVA. Internal meeting regarding research on grounds for IVA challenge. Prepare note summarising grounds for challenge. Review Lacing engagement letter and terms.
23/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 8.25 Call with Dixcart to discuss Arrowsmith management. Meeting with MR to discuss hearing. Meeting with JR of Lacing to discuss PR strategy. Further research on breach of confidence.,Review IVA documents. Draft issues list relating to the IVA proposal.
23/11/2015 Charles Evans 2 Meeting with Dori Kingsblad and Mishcon de Reya, further meeting with Jonathan Russell.
23/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 2.25 Progress following Hearing outcome; Arrowsmith management issues; PR progress; client, Dixcart, Hassans, Jonathan Russell and internal contact.
23/11/2015 Jardine Scott 3.75 Attending court, discussing strategy and potential arguments  with team researching various points. of law inc HMRC preferential creditor and trust property„emails re same briefing SM and NR
23/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.5 Discussion with S McGuinness re this morning’s hearing; brief media search Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal)
23/11/2015 Mcguinness SeanJ. 3.75 Research into financial status of Orgate Limited and Fordgate Management Limited to determine M Gertner’s income. Research and drafting additional aspects of……….Unclear


19/11/2015 Jardine Scott 1.5 Call with counsel, strategy discussion with team, updating  research note, emails
19/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal )
19/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 4.25 Research and discussion with Matt Czyzyk. On the Israeli proceedings, whether docs are public. On the disclosure of the correspondence between Arrowsmith/Kaupthing, privilege and confidentiality issues Additions to note on challenges to the IVA Discussions with trainee. Giving instructions Cross border enforcement issues. Drafting email to US colleagues. on English Individual Voluntary Arrangements: Recognition in the United States
19/11/2015 Raine Natalie 4.75 Research law relating to bankruptcy petitions and disclosure
20/11/2015 Angel Nichlas james 3.5 Review of IVA proposal and related issues
20/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 6.5 Discuss law of confidentiality and privilege re disclosure of IVA and other documents. Review IVA documentation. Call with MR. Email to MR summarising available evidence re a challenge to an IVA. Finalise review of NDA and share comments with client Research case law on assets to be included in an IVA and confidentiality.
20/11/2015 Charles Evans 1 Reviewing IVA proposal and email to Nick Angel and Matt Czyzyk.
20/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.5 Background material, client and internal contact
20/11/2015 Jardine Scott 2.75 Initial review of IVA proposal, considering legal points and strategy, emails re same, briefing and discussing with SM and NR
20/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal).
19/11/2015 Raine Natalie 4.75 Research law relating to bankruptcy petitions and disclosure
20/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 3.5 Review of IVA proposal and related issues
20/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 6.5 Discuss law of confidentiality and privilege re disclosure of IVA and other documents. Review IVA documentation. Call with MR. Email to MR summarising available evidence re a challenge to an IVA. Finalise revIew of NDA And share comments with client. Research case law on assets to be included in an IVA and confidentiality.
20/11/2015 Charles Evans 1 Reviewing IVA proposal and email to Nick Angel and Matt Czyzyk
20/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.5 Background material; client and internal contact
20/11/2015 Jardine Scott 2.75 Initial review of IVA proposal, considering legal points and strategy, emails re same, briefing and discussing with SM and NR
20/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing /CLF (Bloomberg, internal)
20/11/2015 Raine Natalie 3 Research law relating to assets to be included in an IVA proposal. Research law relating to bankruptcy, petitions and disclosure.
22/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 0.5 Emails re call with Dixcart to discuss corporate matters re Arrowsmith
22/11/2015 Mcguinness SeanJ. 1.75 Research into case law concerning trusts in bankruptcy with a view to determining disclosure rules in relation to trust assets held beneficially by Gertner. Email correspondence with Scott Jardine
23/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 4 Meeting re Gertner bankruptcy hearing and follow-up, further analysis of IVA grounds to challenge
23/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 8.25 Call with Dixcart to discuss Arrowsmith management. Meeting with MR to discuss hearing. Meeting with JR of Lacing to ……Unclear
17/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 5.5 Meeting with Jonathan Russell…….Discuss and research obtaining public information on bankruptcy petition, Internal discussions on recognition of IVA overseas. Review and update IVA memorandum
17/11/2015 Charles Evans 1.25  Meeting with Jonathan Russell and discussing with Nick Angel
17/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 2.25 Client, Lacing and Internal contact
17/11/2015 Jardine Scott 0.5 Bankruptcy petition status queries
17/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal)
17/11/2015 Raine Natalie 3 Review of information relation to bankruptcy petition and research of IVAs
18/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 1 Review of PR suggestion, calls Mischon, corres with DK
18/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 4.75 Discuss and consider the type of assets that will be included in an IVA Review and update IVA memo. Review draft CFL NDA.
18/11/2015 Charles Evans 0.5 Emails concerning possible call; reviewing Jonathan Russell’s proposal and email to Nick Angel
18/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.5 Progressing issues; Internal contact
18/11/2015 Jardine Scott 0.75 Discussing various points with NR and SM, emails
18/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, internal)
18/11/2015 Mcguinness SeanJ. 2.25 Updating due diligence report with view to sharing with PR advisers. Review of Icelandic special prosecutor’s report
18/11/2015 Raine Natalie 2.5 Research assets and unsecured claims in an IVA
19/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 2.5 Call with Mishcon to catch-up: call with their counsel re strategy for Monday
19/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 4.5 Research and discussion on disclosure of litigation paper and exchanges with winding up committee in a potential IVA. Review CFL NDA. Call with MR to discuss documents received in opposition of bankruptcy petition Administration re payment of Iceland counsel invoice.
17/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 2 Finalise and email letter of response to Simmons, Initial call Arith Jonathan Russell regarding PR strategy
17/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.75 PR progress progressing issues, client, Lacing and internal


17/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, Internal)
17/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 2 Drafting note on opposition to IVAs. Discussion with Matt C. Review of indicative IVA tImeline. Instructions to secretary. Further amendments.
17/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 5 Pre-call with PR agent Follow up call with client and PR agent Lma I to MR regarding correspondence Review memo regarding IVA law
17/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 2.25 PR calls progressing issues, client, Lacing and internal contact
18/11/2015 Jardine Scott 1.5 Call with new PR includIng pre-call in morning status update with MC
18/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg/Internal)
18/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 2 Call re PR strategy and meeting with PR consultant
12/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 3 Call with Maitland to discuss PR strategy. Update letter of response to Simmons. Emails with client regarding letter of response. Call with client to discuss response strategy
12/11/2015 Charles Evans 0.25 Emails from and to Nick Angel
12/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.75 Client, Maitland and internal contact
12/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg/Internal)
12/11/2015 Mcguinness 1.25 Finalizing draft of note Discussion with Senior Associate. Review of Kapoor case and Ebbvale case.
13/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 2 Finalise and email letter of response to Simmons. Initial call with Jonathan Russell regarding PR strategy
13/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.75 PR strategy;  PR progress progressing issues, client, Lacing and internal contact
13/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg/Internal)


09/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails with Bloomberg re Kaupthing CLF; Internal emails re same
09/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 2 Drafting tactical memorandum concerning opposition to an IVA. Instructions to trainee. Research into IVA case law. Review of insolvency rules and powers of court.
09/11/2015 Raine Natalie 6 Review translation of Icelandic commission report. Research case law on challenge to a nominee in an IVA. Draft memo in relation to legal position on a creditor’s ability to challenge an IVA.
10/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 4 Call Hannah BC / Stuart Harray, review of proposed letter, call with Counsel, internal discussion and review corres.
10/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 7 Call with Martin Pascoe QC to discuss Kaupthing claims and next steps. Update letter of response to Simmons. Draft summary email of correspondence, prepare note summarising evidence collated so far demonstrating collateral purpose/good faith. Discuss memo regarding IVA law with Natalie
10/11/2015 Charles Evans 1.25 Car with Martin Pascoe and discussing with Nick Angel ; reviewing draft letter to Simmons and amending and email to Nick Angel, emails to and from Nick Angel and Matthew Czyzyk
10/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 1.75 Client,  Maitland and internal contact
10/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF
10/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 0.75 Drafting tactical memorandum concerning opposition to an IVA. Instructions to trainee.
10/11/2015 Raine Natalie 4 Draft memo in relation to legal position on a creditor’s ability to challenge an IVA.
10/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 4 Call Hannah BC / Stuart Harray; review of proposed letter, call with Counsel internal discussion and review corres.
10/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 7 Call with Martin Pascoe QC to discuss Kaupthing claims and next steps. Update letter of response to Simmons. Draft summary email of correspondence, prepare note summarising evidence collated so far demonstrating collateral purpose/good faith. Discuss memo regarding IVA law with Natalie
10/11/2015 Charles Evans 1.25 Car with Martin Pascoe and discussing with Nick Angel ; reviewing draft letter to Simmons and amending and email to Nick Angel, emails to and from Nick Angel and Matthew Czyzyk
10/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 1.75 Client,  Maitland and internal contact
10/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF
10/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 0.75 Drafting tactical memorandum concerning opposition to an IVA. Instructions to trainee.
10/11/2015 Raine natalie 4 Draft memo in relation to legal position on a creditor’s ability to challenge an IVA.
11/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 1 Call with DK; follow up with team and review of corres
11/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 2.25 All parties catch up call. Emails with Andy Donald of Maitland. Update letter of response to Simmons.
11/11/2015 Charles Evans 0.25 Reviewing and amending draft letter and email to Nick Angel
11/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 1.75 Client and internal contact
11/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF
11/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 2 Drafting tactical memorandum concerning opposition to an IVA. Email correspondence with trainee. Internal discussion. Further review of insolvency rules. Checking.
11/11/2015 Raine natalie 4.5 Review memo in relation to legal position on a creditor’s ability to challenge an IVA
12/11/2015 Angel Nicholas James 0.75 Call to discuss PR issues and follow-up
04/11/2015 Jardine Scott 5 ………………………….Gertners, existing litigation against WUC members, case law for challenging an IVA, strategy re responding to. S&S with MC, NDA with NR
04/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Court file (Bloomberg, internal)
04/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 0.5 Review of correspondence between Simmons and Simmons and Mischon De Reya.
04/11/2015 Raine natalie 7.25 Compile background case-law research, Research grounds for challenging a nominee. Arrange Icelandic translations of commission report. Draft non-disclosure agreement.
05/11/2015 Nicholas Angel 0.5 Update re litigation proceedings and follow up from PR candidate drop-out.
05/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 1.75 Internal catch up to discuss case law and related memo
05/11/2015 Jardine Scott 2.25 Discussion of case law research with SS, NR and MC, reviewing materials, researching Kaupthing representatives who had spoken to MdR
05/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails with Bloomberg; internal emails re Kaupthing / CLF
05/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 3.75 Meeting with team. Discussion with Scott Jardine and Matt Czyzyk regarding drafting of memo for client concerning potential arguments that may be raised to challenge Kaupthing vote on the IVA and defend CFL vote. Instructions to trainee. Research into case law. preparing case law index, Correspondence with litigation team regarding Bloomberg searches.
05/11/2015 Raine natalie 2.5 Research law relating to ability to challenge a nominee in an


06/11/2015 Nicholas Angel 4 Consideration of strategy, review of Kaupthing correspondence.
05/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails with Bloomberg; internal emails re Kaupthing / CLF
05/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 3.75 Meeting with team. Discussion with Scott Jardine and Matt Czyzyk regarding drafting of memo for client concerning potential arguments that may be raised to challenge Kaupthing vote on the IVA and defend CFL vote, Instructions to trainee. Research into case law. preparing case law index, Correspondence with litigation team regarding Bloomberg searches.
05/11/2015 Raine natalie 2.5 Research law relating to ability to challenge a nominee in an IVA
06/11/2015 Nicholas Angel 4 Consideration of strategy; review of Kaupthing correspondence, preparation of revised draft
06/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 1.5 Discuss and update letter of response to Kaupthing. Review particulars of claim
06/11/2015 Charles Evans 1.25 Emails from and to Stuart Harray
06/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 1.5 Client and internal contact
06/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails with Bloomberg re Kaupthing CLF
08/11/2015 Charles Evans 0.75 Amending draft letter
09/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 1.5 Updating letter of response. Emails with counsel.
09/11/2015 Charles Evans 0.25 Email from and to Nick Angel and emails to Matt Czyzyk.
09/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 1.25 Client and internal contact
03/11/2015 Jardine Scott 5.75 Call with MdR, researching various legal and factual issues, IVA process with NR, SM and case law, team meeting, discussing with MC of meeting with client representatives.
03/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Kaupthing / CLF (Bloomberg, Internal)
03/11/2015 Raine natalie 4.75 Meeting to discuss workflow and strategy. Prepare flowchart detailing time frame for an IVA. Run translations of report into the causes of the collapse of the Icelandic banks in 2008.
04/11/2015 Nicholas Angel 2.25 Meeting with Dori Klagsbald, review of correspondence, subsequent session re reply to S&S other letter. Call with PR candidate and follow up.


04/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 9.75 Meeting with Dori Klagsbald. Meeting with Dragon Review memorandum from Rettur. Review Rettur EL. Review Black Cube research note Review draft letter prepared by Black Cube. Discuss NDA draft. Review response from Simmons setting out rationale for refusal Drafting response to Simmons
04/11/2015 Charles Evans 3 Email to and from Nick Angel, reviewing documents provided by Dori Klagsbald and email to Nick Angel, meeting with Dori Klagsbald and others and discussing with Nick Angel, amending note of call with Simmons and email to Nick Angel
04/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.75 Client and internal contact
04/11/2015 Jardine Scott 5 Researching Kaupthing VVUC members and possible links to Gertners, existing litigation against WUC members, case law for challenging an IVA, strategy re responding to S&S with MC, NDA with NR
04/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.25 Emails re Court file (Bloomberg, Internal)
02/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.5 Client and internal contact
02/11/2015 Jardine Scott 6.25 Team catch-up, call with Icelandic counsel, call with private investigators, IVA case law and procedure, opportunities to challenge, factual research, illegality of loans risk, briefing SM and NR on various tasks
02/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.75 Emails with Bloomberg to arrange daily checking of Court file/ hearing list in Kaupthing /CLF cases; updates emails (internal). Discussion with C Evans re documents on / updates to Court file in Kaupthing and CLF; emails re same.
02/11/2015 Sean Mcguinness 3.5 Research in respect of collateral purpose and unfair prejudice in terms of challenging an IVA. Discussions with Scott Jardine and trainee Review of information on Gertner and Gertler dispute. Liaising with litigation colleagues regarding bankruptcy searches and case progressions searches on Bloomberg.
02/11/2015 Raine natalie 3.5 Prepare flowchart detailing time frame for an IVA; Meeting to discuss status and next steps.
03/11/2015 Nicholas Angel 5 Meeting, pre-meeting and review of strategy, follow-up call with HBL & Mishcon. Review of documents provided by client.
03/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 7 Team meeting to discuss next steps. Revise workstream plan. Meeting with Dori. Meeting with PR team. Discuss email from Simmons re refusal of offer. Further background research, including on Nessergy link to claims. Review and discuss IVA summary note
03/11/2015 Charles Evans 3 Considering emails and Nessergy announcement and email to Stuart Harray. Meeting with Nick Angel and others; meeting wIth Dori Klagsbald and others. Email from Nick Angel and Matt Czyzyk and cal! to Nick Angel to discuss.


02/11/2015 Nicholas Angel 4 Meetings with PR team and calls with Simmons, review of workstreams and Icelandic legal advice; corres with Simmons
02/11/2015 Matthew J. Czyzyk 4.25 Team meeting. summary rote of workstreams. Draft and email scope of work to Rettur. Call with Rettur to discuss findings. Initial call with MCI
02/11/2015 Charles Evans 3 Meeting with Nick Angel and others; meeting with Dragon Associates; with Nick Angel speaking to Robert Turner, email from and to Nick Angel; discussing with Paul Kinninmont court searches and email to Nick Angel; email from Robert Tutmer, reviewing sinks and emails to and from Nick Angel and Stuart Harray
02/11/2015 Harray Stuart M. 0.5 Client and internal contact
02/11/2015 Jardine Scott 6.25 Team catch-up call with Icelandic counsel, call with private investigators, IVA case law and procedure, opportunities to challenge, factual research, illegality of loans risk, briefing SM and NR on various tasks
02/11/2015 Kinninmont Paul 0.75 Emails with Bloomberg to arrange daily checking of Court file / hearing list in Kaupthing /CLF cases, updates emails (internal). Discussion with C Evans re documents on updates to Court fie in Kaupthing and CLF , emails re same