Huberfeld….and Bodner, the Great “Philanthropists”


Unorthodox Returns.Paladium Partners



Hedgie accused of bribing union boss has criminal past


The hedge-funder charged with bribing labor leaderNorman Seabrook to get his hands on $20 million in union funds is a major Jewish philanthropist with a shady past.

Murray Huberfeld runs his own charity, the Huberfeld Family Foundation, that has doled out millions of dollars to Orthodox Jewish causes, including synagogues tied to the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, according to the Forward.

He’s also a board member of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which runs the Museum of Tolerance in Midtown, and was part of a 40-person delegation that met with Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.

During his Vatican visit, Huberfeld told the pontiff that the trip “was particularly meaningful because his mother was hidden and spared extermination by a righteous Christian family during the Holocaust,” according to a post on the Wiesenthal Center’s Web site.

Huberfeld’s personal history also includes a 1992 misdemeanor conviction for having a stand-in take his Series 7 broker-licensing exam, for which he got two years’ probation and a $5,000 fine.

Murray Huberfeld’s Long Island home.Photo: Ellis Kaplan

In 1998, Huberfeld and a business partner, David Bodner, also coughed up nearly $4.7 million in profits and interest to settle civil allegations that they sold more than 513,000 shares of restricted stock in a company called Incomnet.

Terms of the deal also called for their firm to fork over a $50,000 civil penalty to the Securities and Exchange Commission, with Huberfeld and Bodner personally paying another $15,000 each.

According to the complaint against him, cooperating witness Jona Rechnitz told the feds that Huberfeld secretly runs the Platinum Partners hedge fund that he founded, but is “not publicly acknowledged as playing any significant role” due to “a prior lawsuit or investigation relating to a fund Huberfeld previously ran.”

Huberfeld has addresses on both West End Avenue and in Lawrence, LI, where he and his wife are raising several kids.

4 thoughts on “Huberfeld….and Bodner, the Great “Philanthropists”

  1. Wikipedia defines “Huber” in law this way:

    In prison systems, work release programs allow a prisoner who is sufficiently trusted or can be sufficiently monitored to leave confinement to continue working at their current place of employment, returning to prison when their shift is complete. The concept was introduced in Wisconsin in 1913 under a law written by state senator Henry Huber. The program is often referred to locally as the “Huber Law” program.[1]

    Wonder if Huber will get the Huber treatment, or the Huberfeld treatment?


  2. What happens when Platinum can’t meet its obligations to investors who want to take their money out? P-O-N-Z-I!


    • Something doesn’t add up. Supposedly he has more than a BILLION DOLLARS under investment and he goes bat crazy over another $20 million? Does this make any sense? Also, is there another investor in the ENTIRE WORLD with such a phenomenal track record as shown in that chart? You mean to tell me that while the world burned in 2008 he reported no losses whatsoever to his investors? Do we think Huberfeld and company are smarter and better than the best investment houses and banks in the world? Something doesn’t add up here, folks!


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