Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, Declaration of War Against G-d and Why is Torch Giving Him a Podium? [Letter to Editor][Video]

Dear LostMessiah:

I am enclosing an email I wrote to a local Jewish Kiruv  group that’s
popular in Houston. I don’t know what type of Kiruv they do since it
costs too much money for classes. (https://www.torchweb.org/)   They
invited Yosef Mizrachi to speak in December and it didn’t make sense
to me since he is a fraud and spreads lashon ha’ra.

It does make sense that they are more interested in money.  I sent an email just now and will tell you if they respond:

Dear Torch officials,

I am confused why a respected Jewish organization like Torch would invite ‘Rabbi’ Mizrach last December.

Are you aware that Mizrachi  has no smikha from any yeshiva?  Mizrachi
has said terrible things about other Jews such as denying that over 1
million Jews perished in the holocaust. He has also blamed down
syndrome and child fatalities on sins for the children’s past lives.
Mizrachi continues never apologized for the personal lies and attacks
he made against Rabbi Goldberg at Boca Raton Synagogue.  Was Torch
aware of the lashon hara from this rabbi? If that was the case ,why
was he invited? Unfortunately, it seems money trumps over ethics when
it comes to “celebrity rabbis”


About Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – 

He has acknowledged that he is not an ordained Rabbi. He is known to have questioned the number of Jews that died in the Holocaust. The above video speaks to his position on the shooting in Pittsburgh. One should ask why major Jewish organizations are endorsing the positions he takes. In the video above, he places blame on the shooting in Pittsburgh on homosexuality. And, he makes an underhanded comment about “reformed Judaism” and refers to the circumcision as a “declaration of war on Hashem.” 

The question should be asked: Why Rabbi Mizrachi is being given a soap box. If anything he should be relegated to a fundamentalist fringe of Judaism and ignored entirely. 


In December 2015, in one of his lectures, Mizrahi claimed that it is possible that only one million Jews died in The Holocaust as opposed to the well accepted figure of 6 million, since many of them were not Jewish according to Jewish law which requires a person’s mother to be Jewish.[14][15] Mizrahi was criticized by academics and Jewish leaders including Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who said that he “made up history to suit an agenda.”[14] He was also criticized by Berel Wein who stated that “It is too damaging a matter to be left unanswered and unrefuted.”[16] Later Mizrahi issued an apology.[15][17][18] According to The Times,[19] Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has spoken out against the travel plans of this “Jewish hate preacher”; and the UK Home Office has suggested that the Home SecretaryAmber Rudd, was considering banning Mizrachi should he apply to visit Britain.
In December 2016, 16 prominent US rabbis issued an open letter about Mizrachi. They said that Mizrachi “reduce[s] complex issues to simplistic and misleading sound bites,” and his assertions are “objectionable, and even dangerous.”[20] The letter continued that institutions should be more “discerning” with the guests they invite.
After hearing a false report that the October 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting took place during a bris ceremony for the son of a gay couple, Mizrahi blamed the shooting on the allegedly sinful behavior of the congregation.[21] In March 2019, a planned visit by Mizrachi to the UK was canceled following reports that the Home Office was considering a ban on account of his track record of spreading hatred and extremism.[22][23][24] Mizrachi went on to blame Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis – referring to him as “the number one most wicked person in the whole world”, along with senior Sephardi rabbi Joseph Dweck, claiming that they are “the two friends, gay lovers, who do everything they can to promote homosexuality and destroy the Jewish nation from inside, destroy the Jewish community in England… he’s going to bring a Holocaust on the Jews in England.”[25][26]

42 thoughts on “Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, Declaration of War Against G-d and Why is Torch Giving Him a Podium? [Letter to Editor][Video]

  1. The overarching question is, does Rabbi Mizrachi have Torah sources for his views, and does he have more sources than Rabbi Manis Friedman? Truth be told, Mizrachi has a stronger intellectual position.


  2. Rav Moshe Cassuto has brought in his true simplicity, and his even forgiving this mizrachi and rueven, who have tried so hard to spread such hatred towards him and Rabbi Manis Friedman.

    These two mizrachi and rueven just spread lies and hatred. i remember one of his earlier video of how he spoke ( cannot find it anywhere now on Youtube,) that as soon as his 3 years of serving the army in Israel, he left and fled to the USA, for ofcourse there was where he made money, and married an ashekenazi. Another time when someone asked him why he does not keep a beard, he retorted, that it was because his wife did not like it… Lol.. so he does things to please others, perhaps that is why when he speaks lashon hara of some many real Rabbis, he says, how bad they are with their beards trailing on the floor.
    When he spoke such horrid things about the holocaust, and the terrible things he said, one Old Jew, who lived thoroug that horror was offened.

    Many people were shocked by what mizrachi had said, and stood by the Wonderful Jew, who came out of the holocaust. He then made a video, where he showed how humbly he went to see the Good Jewish man who was/is a survivor of that horrid holocaust, and had his selected ‘video’ guy film, how humble he was being and ‘repenting’ for the hurt he caused this survivor.

    mizrachi and rueven, Gd is the judge. Both these are the worst and put the words of Torah down by twisting things up to what they think is right.

    I am not a Jew. I love Torah and follow it.. and many good Rabbis among them Rabbi Moshe Cassuto, and Rabbi Manis Friedman. May they be blessed. Amen and Amen.



  3. By the way, Rabbi Reuven does has smicha and everything you say about these Rabbis I do not except and it is not true.
    By the way, as for those who are autistic, there was a boy who lives in Israel that put out a video that said through facilitated communiction that he came back this way and his twin sister did not was because he said loshon hara and he actually caused from this for his entire family to do teshuvah and become observant. Rabbi Mizrachi actually met with an autisitic boy in Brooklyn and was told he was hand picked by Hashem to do kiruv, so you need to go ask him for michila before is too late and you lose your Olam Haba!
    By the way, I only follow the emet of The Torah and nothing else and Rabbi Mizrachi and Rabbi Reuven bring sources for everything from The Torah and not from their own opinion and if they do say is their own opinion.
    Of course there is reincarnation, the Arizal would tell people who they were in their past lives. Gets your facts straight and stop saying nonsense,


    • The “emet of Torah” is in this world all speculation. The problem for so many is the claim that they follow the “emet” and then steal from one another. The hope is that at the end of the day whomever is judge and jury decides to take those who are at heart and soul good people despite the following or lack thereof of “ritualistic behavior” without true good behind it.


      • Are you kidding me??? So the EMET OF Hashem is debateable. Where are you getting this information? It is not from The Torah! Hashem tells us what is the EMET. Homosexuality is an abomination in those exact words in The Torah and then Manis Friedman says in his recorded lecture that it is like any other sin and not an abomination. So you are ok with his heretical statement??


        • Forgot to add, by Manis Friedman saying what I said above, about homosexulality he is changing The Torah and that goes against the 13 Principles of Faith from the Rambam and that alone makes him a heretic besides the other things he has said like “Hashem needs us because He created us.,” which is 100 percent baloney asthat would mean chas v’shalom He is not perfect. Are you ok with that heretical statement, too??


          • No problem necessarily if you studied philosophy(which I’m sure you deem heresy.) Anyways, you can relax and not got so defensive. You can have the last word here if it makes you so happy.

            Liked by 1 person

          • If Hashem is perfect, please dear woman provide an explanation for the Shoah. Provide an explanation for childhood cancers and the rape and abuse of young children? Please kindly explain how the earth is in its current state of madness. Did this perfect being just set us out to our own devices and we are messing it up? Perfection? Who gets to define perfection? And, did Hashem himself actually believe himself to be perfect. I think there is a section somewhere wherein he is deemed to be perfect for a moment in time, each moment being unique to its own single instant, but I don’t remember where that comes from or if the interpretation is even correct. You are living in a fantasy world. Hopefully you can stay in that state of bliss. It is probably quite comforting. But, if you come back to reality, feel free to get in touch.


            • God’s renewal of creation found in morning prayer:“Hamechadesh betuvo b’chol yom tamid ma’asei bereshis. This reminds me of Alfred Whitehead’s process philosophy. No where in Torah does it define “perfection” or relate it to “omnipotence” “omniscience”. Rabbi Friedman’s statements are inline with the Sages who taught man as a partner in creation. How could be be “Creator’ unless He created something? The midrash says that God consulted the angels and even the Torah itself when He created man so how could God be “perfectly omniscient” if He needed to consult anything?





        • If the “emet of Hashem” was not debatable, you would not have men arguing in Socratic method the meaning of each and every Possuk of the Torah, the gemorra and the Gmach. Not really sure how you can see it another way. It is not really like we have Hashem here giving us directions. You are taking a full faith in credit on a series of rabbis and many of the rabbis (not necessarily the ones you named or did not name) are essentially fraudsters in rabbinical clothing, quite sadly.


      • “ The “emet of Torah” is in this world all speculation. ”

        Is that what you learn by having so much gay sex?

        Convert out we don’t want you.


  4. To the admin, you are welcome to delete all the comments, if you like, as thanks to the one who calls himself melech, when there is only ONE KING, that the bizayon you are giving to me and to the kiruv Rabbis mentioned are like soap and shampoo and will keep us from going to Gehennom. As for the loshon hara you are spewing like venom, it will get you a lovely suite in Gehennom. How dare you put down a kiruv Rabbi, even in he is 1% at fault, which is not the case here at all, the fact that they have brought more people to do teshuvah then you will ever do in eternity, is enough that you ought to keep your mouth shut forever.


    • we are not deleting unless comments are repetitive, are rabidly anti-Semitic or can incite violence. We do not need to agree with your comments otherwise what would be the point. We believe that you are are way off base but unfortunately are going to leave it with those better versed than we are to provide additional comments. However, any rabbi who can get the kind of blind devotion you exhibit is in our view problematic but we will leave it there.


      • You are clueless and completely off base and their is no blind devotion to any Rabbi. I am an observant Jew who follows the emet of The Torah that Hashem wrote and these Rabbis tell it like it says in The Torah, as Hashem is very adamant in giving mussar if His children go against His ways


  5. To the admin, you are welcome to delete all the comments, if you like, as thanks to the one who calls himself melech, when there is only ONE KING, that the bizayon you are giving to me and to the kiruv Rabbis mentioned are like soap and shampoo and will keep us from going to Gehennom. As for the loshon hara you are spewing like venom, it will get you a lovely suite in Gehennom. How dare you put down a kiruv Rabbi, even in he is 1% at fault, which is not the case here at all, the fact that they have brought more people to do teshuvah then you will ever do in eternity, is enough that you ought to keep your mouth shut forever.
    By the way, Rabbi Reuven does has smicha and everything you say about these Rabbis I do not except and it is not true.
    By the way, as for those who are autistic, there was a boy who lives in Israel that put out a video that said through facilitated communiction that he came back this way and his twin sister did not was because he said loshon hara and he actually caused from this for his entire family to do teshuvah and become observant. Rabbi Mizrachi actually met with an autisitic boy in Brooklyn and was told he was hand picked by Hashem to do kiruv, so you need to go ask him for michila before is too late and you lose your Olam Haba!
    By the way, I only follow the emet of The Torah and nothing else and Rabbi Mizrachi and Rabbi Reuven bring sources for everything from The Torah and not from their own opinion and if they do say is their own opinion.


  6. Rabbi Mizrachi is not the problem it it the other clowns, like Mirvis, Dweck, Goldberg, Jonathan Sacks, Manis Friendman, Shmuly Boteach, Avi Weiss, Dror Casuto, etc who call themselves rabbis, but are no longer deserving of their title because they go against The Torah and are heretics spreading their own agenda and/or are people pleasers and don’t want to lose their salaries or donations for their shuls. They will pay the very heavy price in the Next World for all the harm they have caused to Am Yisroel and the lies spewed against the true Rabbis who have brought more people to do teshuvah, both Jews and non-Jews then all of the clown rabbis put together because they are not soft and do not sugar coat the truth, because Hashem doesn’t do so. If everyone would read The Torah and Prophets and see what Hashem says will happen to those who go against His rules, it is not pretty to say the least. Let’s all wake up NOW before it is too late and do teshuvah otherwise there will be too many who do not merit to live and see the coming of Moshiach, speedily in our days, Amen!


    • The list of rabbis you call heretics shows that you follow non-smicha ‘rabbi’ Yaron Reuven on youtube, a man known for spreading filth. These persons have stated opinions perhaps disagreeable(and even terrible) but nothing deems them heretics, except the lashon hara from Reuven-Mizrachi cult. No real rabbi has called those individuals out. If everyone read the Torah and prophets, as you suggest, than then they will notice how far from the ethical teachings of Judaism are Reuven-Mizrachi.(
      Actually, real smicha ceased after the Tannaim and the smicha today is only a community standard established to recognized halachic education. By claiming he is a rabbi to a community that has a conscensus definition of rabbi, Mizrachi is dishonest. BTW, at least Rav Dror is honest that he doesn’t have smicha. )

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This is the end of days prophecies that the haters will not want to hear the emet/truth, so they will go after the Rabbis and spread loshon hara about them because they only speak the truth and everything HaRav Mizrachi said about autistic, Pittsburgh, etc is 100 percent not his own opinion, but thar of The Torah that most even supposed observant Jews are not following. Hashem is speaking loud and clear and everything that has happened, is happening and will happening is because we, His Chosen Nation are not following the rules he set out in His Torah. As for HaRav Mizrachi not having smicha, Maran HaRav Ovadia Yosef, ztzl never got smicha. That doesn’t make you a Rabbi in the true sense of the word.


      • So many rules are being broken, can write many books about it: Rules of modesty, arayos, niggiah, avodah zara, pgam habrit, loshon hara, etc. They you have so called rabbis who say outright in their lectures that are recorded that 1) manis friedman- homosexuality is like any other sin, when Hashem says is an abomination, 2)jonathan sacks – asked by an athiest in a recorded lecture about adam and chava and said they are a parable and anything not following science isn’t true. 3)avi weiss created open orthodoxy and allow women to be rabbis and other nonsense he spews, 4) joseph dweck – says in his recorded lecture that homosexuality and feminism are great additions to the world.
        I could go on, but will leave it at that. The key here is that all these people didn’t spew their heresy in private, but wanted to share with the world and is recorded, so when they get up to Shamayim and Olam HaEmet there is no denying it and they will be guilty of immense crimes against THE ONE who gave them life and they used is against HASHEM!


    • To the contrary, the only folks spreading lashon hara is Mizrachi and his minions. TORCH was provided with public information about statements made in the pulpit in his role as a “rabbi.” The statements proved he is a danger to the community so people have right to know. I wrote to TORCH with the intention to protect the community and not to cause harm to Mizrachi(he already did that to himself.) Have I done wrong? The Torah to not stand aside when your brother’s blood flows and that in the end we will be judged in righteousness. Your equating “emet” with Mizrachi and olam ha is the same manner that Xtrians treat Yeshka. If your ‘judaism’ is incapable of teaching ethics and is reduced to selling tickets to heaven than it is no better than those other religions.


  8. Anyone that spreads loshon hara about a true soldier of Hashem who only shares the emet, like HaRav Mizrachi will have a heavy price to pay and consequences in the Next World, as it is as if they are going against Hashem because these people are only sharing what Hashem says in His Torah. The stamp of Hashem is EMET and if you don’t want to live that way, so be it, as that is your choice, so choose right if you want to have a share in The World to Come


    • You equate Mizrachi’s opinion on this type of reincarnation with “Torah” but this shows you have no understanding of Torah. Where in the Torah does it mention reincarnation? If you mean the 5 books of Moses or Hazal then you will not find any reference to it anywhere. It is only an opinion of many great rabbis but other great rabbis disagreed with the concept. If “Torah” is anything your rabbi says then so be it but don’t talk about “emet”..Regardless, telling someone (as Mizrachi does) that your child’s problem is result of past life sin is itself lashon hara.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I think that you all are not ready for Rabbi Mizrachi who so many of us respect for so much. Rabbi Mizrachi is so touch by GD and very knowledgeable of the Torah. Rabbi Mizrachi is strong and so many people cannot handle the truth.


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