In a Bid For Leniency Huberfeld, a Serial Fraudster, Has been Going on a Dina D’Malkhusa Dina Speaking Tour

 “He has taught us about Dina D’Malkhusa Dina: the law of the land is the land”

Should Murray Huberfeld, an extraordinarily wealthy investment manager, a skilled financier, an adroit con-man, orthodox Jew and alleged “philanthropist” not have known that “the law of the land is the land” already?

We have included the relevant 4 pages of the 45 page “aid in sentencing“.  We could go on and on with comments that cannot quite adequately express how troubling we find the entirety of that 45 pages.

Suffice it to say, if Huberfeld did not already know that the law of the land is the land,  even a cell with Madoff is a generous outcome.

We wonder when the authorities will stumble on FERC and hold Huberfeld and Platinum’s dizzying number of subsidiaries in the gas business, many of which were positioned solely to defraud FERC, liable for those offenses. This is all just smoke and mirrors.

Huberfeld could sell snow to a snowman and this entire show is nothing short of chilling.


6 thoughts on “In a Bid For Leniency Huberfeld, a Serial Fraudster, Has been Going on a Dina D’Malkhusa Dina Speaking Tour

  1. Teshuva mamash!!! But I wonder why I never saw any announcements of these lectures… were they advertised in Hamodiah? The Jewish Press? … Nu, Nu… he’ll put in a request for Otisville — now that we know he is re-born religious and therefore requesting religious accommodations–i.e., mikveh erev yomtov.

    Still, contrary to what people think– OTISVILLE IS NOT A RESORT — you have people in there for violent crimes that were tried federally. There is a reason David Schick (a/k/a “The man with 2 faces”) would reportedly run over to everyone as soon as they arrived at Otisville and offer his service (having been a lawyer) …no doubt wanting to establish clout and try to find a way to be of need to people as protection… you never know if the new arrival would turn out to be a nightmare, let alone share your bunk bed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another “Magical Mystery Tour”, shades of Rubashkin; what a travesty, and the sheep are obviously lapping it up…


  3. Murray is not the first to go on a ‘Dina Dmalchusa’ speaking tour. The first to perfect this pitch was the Spinka Rebbe. There is no doubt, these shameful speaking tours are a low point in the American Jewish experience.


  4. Murray is not the first to go on a “Dina Dmalchusa” speaking tour. One of the first to perfect this pitch was the Spinka Rebbe a few years ago. These shameful speaking tours will go down in history as the low point in the American Jewish experience.


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