The Mezuzah Project – Written Response, Oraita Inc.

We received the below from a reader. We would like to thank the proprieter, Rabbi Gad Sebag, for his thoughtful response. We were not given specific permission to publish the response so if asked to remove it, we will oblige.

We wanted fair coverage of this topic, which seems to have sparked significant controversy.

We note, as a correction to the below, that we received the video by MP3 and we posted it to YouTube for the purposes of making it available to a wider audience. The speaker on the video did not appear to speak with malice or anger, quite the contrary. He referred to the proprietors of the stores as “well-intentioned” and we make no claims to the contrary.

We believe that the results were objectively maintained and not intended to do anything more than caution mainly unsophisticated purchasers of Mezuzahs who rely on salesmen for a quality check of their product like one would rely on a salesman when purchasing any other marketed good.

“Outreach Mezuzahs” imply that the buyers are non-observant which in theory means an added duty of care should be required in providing those buyers with Kosher Mezuzah scrolls.   


Oraita Inc. 

שלום וברכה.

I light of the latest video that was published I was asked to respond.

In my 26 years being a sofer I tried very hard to stay away from מחלוקת especially one that is not לשם שמים.

However in this case….. I have to respond to clarify.

I would like to mention that each mezuzah sold by Oraita is carefully checked by one of our certified magihim in our office.

And while we try our very best שגיאות מי יבין And There is always room for improvement.

And to the report.

I showed to many magihim in the US and Eretz Isroel the issues mentioned by the report and they were puzzled.

 The letters צ  showed in the reports are not even questions.(clear space between the 2 heads. Kosher lechatchila.

The disconnect parts of letters that are reported as posul are not ניכר להדיא (visible enough) and therefore kosher as is even without repair.

As for the spacing between letters in the same word a couple of them could have be been closer but not posul.

I do have to notice that those same issues appear in the others report that for some reason was kosher there.


I also notice new concepts in halocho such as שאלת תינוק in spacing issues….?

Not mentioned in shulchon oruch.

And that brings me to one conclusion.

A good כוונה might have been there perhaps but ניקיון ידיים איו כאן.

Relying on a single unknown magiah to do a character killing of many people and peoples livelihood is wrong.

The poor choice of how to do this and the public shaming of sofrim is wrong.

The refusal to have a multiple neutral hagoho performed of these mezuzos and then review the outcome is screaming foul.

Putting the rebbe’s name and mivtsoim as a preface to this is unacceptable.

Saying that hundreds of thousands of mezuzos used by yiden around the globe are posul is wrong.

Taking this to YouTube and out to the world with whatsup is so wrong.

What yeshiva and which mashpia or parent taught you that.

The bitterness and anger of this individual and lack of בנחת נשמעים…. is disturbing.

The purpose here was not to educate customers and to have sofrim improve.

It’s wrong to hide behind איצטלא דרבנן and Holy causes when הידיים ידי עשו.

I see a קנאות but no pinchus. However korachs name and his מחלוקת is all over the place.

The damage caused by these individuals is irreversible and may hashem have rachmunus on them and forgive them.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dozens of customers that contacted me in past day showing their support and love.

It’s heart warming and I thank hashem for such great clientele.

No infomercial or money can buy that.

We all the sofrim are unified (a miracle) and will do everything to protect ourselves and families.

I will conclude with hope and pray of ברכינו אבינו כולנו כאחד With achdus. And we should be zoche to the coming of moshiach speedily in our days.


Oraita Inc.

Rabbi Gad Sebag

Sofer stam.

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